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Virtual Medix Tele Medicine

Telemedicine is used for telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide clinical healthcare at a distance. It helps to eliminate distance barriers and can improve access to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities.


  • Access & Convenience: Easy use for both patient and the clinician
  • Quicker & Precise Diagnosis: Makes accurate data for efficient healthcare records
  • Cost Effectiveness: Virtual Tele medicine makes distance less relevant, reduces necessity to travel, and other attendant costs for the patient and the accompanying person
  • Increased Independence: Virtual Tele medicine in a home environment ensures that elderly persons can get access to good health independently
  • Safety & Security: Virtual Tele medicine guarantees privacy and high-level security of healthcare information, accessible only to authorized personnel
  • Easy Access to Medical Records: Prompt delivery of health records for authorized personnel with real-time updates


  • Perform Online Tele-consultation
  • Store and Forward electronic health records through Live Conferencing and Discussion
  • Seamless modality and connectivity
  • Achieve Interconnectivity and Interoperability through PACS & DICOM


  • Comprehensive patient record management
  • Total security and privacy of EMR (Electronic Medical Record) through world-class data servers
  • Laboratory Information System (LIS) for all operational, Diagnostic and administrative functions in a laboratory
  • Advanced and Affordable Health Care solutions through innovative technology, Hospital Information System and statistical analysis
  • Helps in maintaining a totally secured database of Patients and business information. This information can be available at your fingertips
  • Helps in improved healthcare delivery by providing medical personnel with better data access, faster data retrieval, higher quality data and more versatility in data display
  • Helps in improving efficiency, both on the cost and the clinical care perspective. This is achieved by avoiding duplications, repetitions, delays, missing records and confusions
  • Helps to force orderliness and standardization of the patient records and procedures in the clinic and increasing accuracy & completeness of medical records of Patient .Patient Registration
  • Helps as a good managerial tool to provide total, cost-effective access to complete and more accurate patient care data to offer improved performance and enhanced functions
  • Helps in gathering information to meet management challenges

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